Monday 30 April 2018

May Be!

The picture above sums up my end of April.  Sick(say the neem leaves), bored out of my wits(says the book which is beyond my league, more suited to literary choices of my husband) and braving the famous scorching summer of North(says the A.C. remote). What the coconut says is an entirely different twist though. The book title and the words 'survival, resilience, redemption ' below the title are just what I need to be reminded right now to keep going.
You might be wondering about this plaintive tone which I rarely have, especially here. You have always heard colourful crafty stories and seen flowery landscapes here on my blog . But sometimes dear people, one cannot help ranting when difficulty level keeps increasing. Though the gardens are still beautiful, the occasional thorns have to be weeded out before one can enjoy the beauty like before once again.

It seems like ages ago when the weather was good, the landscape was picturesque,  and one had the time and inclination to appreciate it all. But calendars change and so do times. Difficulties occur, problems happen, life happens! When a day becomes unbearable, one just wants it to end and pins their hopes on the next day! So here's hope that it may be beautiful again tomorrow.. let's hope and pray for a great May..the month of possibilities.. when all that the heart desires just may be!

Take good care people. Have a great new month ahead.

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